Bigby's Crushing Hand
From Neversummer 4 Wiki
Caster Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Evocation
Components: V,S
Range: Long
Save: Special
Spell Resistance: No
Area of Effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per 4 levels
Additional Counterspells: None
Description: A hand appears and causes multiple effects to a target
Instantaneous Effects
- The hand makes an ab check (95% of caster level + INT/CHA + 2 per spell focus in evocation + 1d20) against the targets discipline(ignoring size modifiers)+ 1d20. If the check is successful, the target is knocked down for two rounds.
- Forces the target to make a will save vs spells (Consider as a Mind-affecting spell).If the target fails, the target is stunned for 3 rounds. The spell DC is still determined the same way as normal spells.
- Deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage per 2 caster levels to the target with no save.
Long-Term Effects
- Lowers hide and move silently of the target by 10 with no focuses, 15 with spell focus, 20 with greater spells focus, or 25 with epic spell focus for the duration of the spell.