Elemental Shape

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Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Druid 16

Required for: None

Specifics: The character with this ability can take the shape of an elemental (a Huge Elemental at 16th level, and an Elder Elemental at 20th level). The ability may be used 1x/day at 16th level, 2x/day at 17th level, and 3x/day at 19th level. At 26th level the character is able to shift into Elemental Shape at will. The transformation has a duration of 1 hour/class level.

Use: Selected. After choosing the ability, the character must choose one of four elemental types (earth, air, fire, or water) to become.

This form of shapeshifting cannot be dispelled.

Bonuses from armor, shield, helmet, boots, cloak, and jewelry merge into all shapes. Base (non-magical) AC from shields merge but not from armor. Bracer/gauntlet/glove properties merge except for attack bonuses and bonus damage. Weapon properties merge on armed shapes. Off-hand weapon and ranged weapon properties never merge. Unlike in the original campaign, all AC bonuses merge, not just the highest.

All forms are Immune to Critical Hits, Poison, Disease, and Paralysis.

Weapon focus feats now work with all forms that use weapons. Feats must be taken for the weapon the specific form wields to apply.

The following table denotes your new Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, Temporary Hitpoints, and an additional dodge AC bonus.

Shape Str Dex Con Special Weapon
Fire 10 28 15 Fire Immunity 100%
Cold Vulnerability 100%
Weapon Finesse
+6 Discipline
Medium Size
Attack Bonus +4
Fire Damage 2d8
Water 24 20 20 Damage Reduction 5/+3
Weapon Finesse
+4 Discipline
Medium Size
Attack Bonus +4
Massive Criticals 2d6
Monster Damage 2d8
Earth 26 10 20 Damage Reduction 10/+3
Fire Immunity 25%
+2 Discipline
Medium Size
Attack Bonus +3
Massive Criticals 2d8
Monster Damage 3d8
Air 15 28 10 Electrical Immunity 100%
Weapon Finesse
+6 Discipline
Medium Size
Attack Bonus +4
Electrical Damage 2d8
Elder Fire 10 34 17 Fire Immunity 100%
Cold Vulnerability 100%
Weapon Finesse
Improved Evasion
+10 Discipline
Medium Size
Short Sword
Fire Damage 2d6
Elder Water 30 23 16 Damage Reduction 5/+5
Acid Resistance 5/-
Fire Resistance 5/-
+10 Discipline
Medium Size
Bludgeoning Damage 2d8
Elder Earth 34 10 17 Damage Reduction 10/+5
Fire Immunity 25%
+7 Discipline
Large Size
Light Hammer
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2d8
Elder Air 17 34 10 Electrical Immunity 100%
Weapon Finesse
Improved Evasion
+10 Discipline
Huge Size
Light Hammer
Electrical Damage 2d6

For general information on NS4 shifting mechanics, see the Shifting Guide.