Sit down for this
New XP curve in, slightly tweaked from last published curve.
Massive CR adjustments. Most areas stick to a reasonable CR scheme - in general nothing has massively fluctuated, but note that dorfs can hit the broad side of a barn now, although they're a touch more fragile.
Powerlevelling will now work about a million times less well. Exact scheme not up for knowing, but you shouldn't be able to powerlevel your lowbies any more.
Edit: As people have now figured this out, some details so that its a level playing field: If you're too high of a caster, you get nothing. If you're closish, your buffs are cast at THEIR level. If you're really close, they're cast at your level.
Bigby 8 spell failure: 20/25/33/50% spell failure with no/SF/GSF/ESF evocation. Everything else about the spell as per before.
Also a bit of AO love: Wizards are now in AO! Dragons got tired of only getting the dumb casters .
Edit: Note this means that only a few of the more esoteric combinations of cleric/domain will have issues finding a faction.
Note: This means that good aligned wizards now have... I wouldn't say home, more like place of residence?