It happens, we all know it does. but its hard to prove. I will not make any accusations, because as ive said, its hard to prove.
But when certain guilds/factions have one member online, then suddenly there are three, they raid and then after the raid is completed, two of those log off, it becomes a bit obvious. especially when you counter-raid, and those two accounts log straight back on (but nobody logged off) the second the alert is sounded and defend with the third again. This could be a case of people facebooking/phoning/texting etc etc eachother, but the majority of the time, its probably not
Give it in please gents. lets keep pvp and raids legitimate and fair.
If you cant raid solo, wait for another guild/faction member to log on and raid with them, Dont multibox and pretend you are two/three separate people, Its clear as day.
Thanks all.