Turn Undead

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Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Blackguard 3, Cleric 1, Paladin 3

Required for: Divine Might, Divine Shield

Specifics: With this feat, the character can knock down undead with a divine force. This ability may be activated 3x/ day, plus the character’s Charisma modifier. The character’s level and Charisma are used to determine how many undead are turned.

Use: Selected

Hit Dice Limits

When making a turn attempt, the caster makes a check for the maximum hit dice (against player characters) or challenge rating (against non-player characters) of a single enemy that one can turn and the total hit dice/challenge rating one can turn. The nearest enemy within 20 meters (60 feet) is affected first and then the next nearest creature, and so on until the total hit dice/challenge rating limit is met or no more enemies can be turned. Enemies with greater than the maximum hit dice/challenge rating cannot be turned.

Turning Level

A character's Turning Level for the sake of turning calculations is equal to:


  • Blackguard level + Fighter level if the character has no third class and no more than 10 Fighter levels.
    • If more than 10 Fighter levels are taken, the character no longer adds Fighter levels to their turning level.

Maximim Hit Dice

The maximum player hit dice or monster challenge rating of a single enemy that one can turn is equal to:

Total Hit Dice

The total number of player hit dice or monster challenge ratings affected are equal to the greater of the below:

  • Turning Level


  • ( Charisma Modifier * [Turning Level/6] ) + 1

Turning Effects

Good/Neutral Casters

If the caster is Good or Neutral and belonging to any faction except the Mystral Ascendancy, enemies will be knocked back and knocked down for 2 round and take (Cha/2 + Turning Level/20) * 1d8 divine damage. If the caster has twice the hit dice as the enemy's hit dice/challenge rating, they are destroyed instantly instead. Once turned, a creature is immune to the effects of turning for 10 rounds.

Evil Casters

If the caster is Evil or Neutral and belonging to the Mystral Ascendancy, enemies will be drained of (Cha Mod/2 + Turning Level/20) AB, AC, and all saves for 10 rounds. Only a greater restore can remove the drain. If the caster has twice the hit dice as the enemy's hit dice/challenge rating, they are dominated instead. Once turned, a creature is immune to the effects of turning for 10 rounds.

Turnable Races

  • Undead are turnable by all Clerics, Paladins, and Blackguards by default. Some undead may have turn resistance, which is added to their hit dice/challenge rating to resist turning.
  • Elementals are turnable by Clerics with Air Domain, Earth Domain, Fire Domain, and Water Domain. Only creatures with an elemental visual model can be turned. This includes druids when using elemental shapes.
  • Vermin are turnable by Clerics with Plant Domain.
  • Constructs are turnable by Clerics with Destruction Domain. Unlike the Bioware implementation, constructs are now turned in the same manner as undead.
  • Evil-Aligned Outsiders are turnable by Clerics with Good Domain. The outsider's spell resistance is added to its hit dice/challenge rating to resist turning.
  • Good-Aligned Outsiders are turnable by Clerics with Evil Domain. The outsider's spell resistance is added to its hit dice/challenge rating to resist turning.
  • All Outsiders are turnable by Clerics, Paladins, and Blackguards with the Planar Turning feat. Spell resistance is ignored with this feat.

Player Races


ALL turning abilities derived from cleric domains are only applied if the player is mostly cleric.

Additional Reference

A spreadsheet of the hit dice limits and basis for the damage/drain amount based on a character's Turning Level and Charisma Modifier can be seen here