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The Githyanki, the Children of Gith, are a humanoid race living in the astral plane descended from the escaped thralls that overthrew the planes-spanning empire of the Illithids thousands of years ago under the leadership of a female rebel named Gith. Bred from the beginning of their history to hate the Illithids and any form of slavery or tyranny, Githyanki are a race of warriors, excelling at swordplay and the creation of ornate armor and weapons.

  • Favored Class: Fighter
  • Must be Evil-aligned
  • +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
  • Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
  • +2 Discipline, +2 Taunt
  • +2 to all Fortitude saving throws
  • SR bonus: Level + 5
  • Psionic Assault 1/day all enemies within 10 feet inflicted with 1d6 negative energy multiplied by character level divided by 3, the Githyanki is healed by the total damage inflicted. The psionic attack also inflicts confusion on opponents who fail a will save. DC is 15 + Githyanki character level / 2 + Constitution modifer. Immunity to Mind Affects blocks it. Duration is level/10 + 1 rounds.
  • Darkvision
  • Immunity to Charm Person, Dominate Person, and Hold Person
  • Vulnerable to Turn Undead when the enemy caster has the Planar Turning feat or another means of turning outsiders.
  • Level Adjustment +3

Character Creation Notes: